• +65-82682912


Silt Removal Systems for Construction Site Waste Water

We Provide locally manufactured Silt Removal systems which is economical, ease to use and provide efficient sediment removal from construction site Waste Water.

We provide different size of clarifiers that effectively remove silty and sediment from construction wastewater at very fast flow rates. We provide systems on rent which provides Silty Water Treatment. The designed system utilize fiberglass tanks to ensure corrosion-free operation, offering superior quality, efficiency, and customization options, including patented runoff treatment systems and effective removal of total suspended solid.​

Features and Benefit of WTPL Silt Removal Systems:

  • WTPL Silt Removal Systems available in different sizes (10 M3 to 100 M3).
  • All WTPL Silt Removal System made of Fiber Glass material which is corrasion fee.
  • All Silt Removal Systems are in less weight and easy for transportation as made of Fiber Glass.
  • WTPL Silt Removal Systems have little moving parts and therefore require minimal operating and maintenance costs
  • Due to our compact designs, WTPL Silt Removal Systems are highly mobile and easy to install.

Additional Salient Features of Silt Removal Systems:

  • WTPL Silt Removal System is designed to be ecumenical, easy to use and efficient to meet discharge requirements.
  • The Silt Removal System is design and developed by our in-house team and engineers.
  • All our parts are Designed, Engineered, fabricated and assembled in Singapore.
  • All our tanks are corrosion free as they are made of Fibre Glass, hence eliminate the cost of tank replacement.
  • Our Silt Removal System are high quality material, economical and easy to use with accuracy of defined flow.
  • We can manufacture additional Silt Removal system based any other quality or material as requested by customer.
  • Our surface runoff treatment systems use chemical flocculation and gravitational sedimentation process.
  • Based on our efficient design and layout of Silt Removal system, we achieve effective removal of suspended Solids without any rotation or mixers

Please contact us to discuss further and we may be able to Design, Assemble and Deliver Silt Removal System as per your requirement

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